More than 200 exhibitors are expected to participate in this year’s event, with a total 400 local and international companies benefitting from exhibitions, business forums, business matching and other activities organised during SELHAC 2023. The convention will cover six main clusters, Food & Beverages, Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare, Halal Ingredients, Personal Care & Beauty, Tourism & Hospitality and Modest Fashion.

The event is aims to attract more than 8,000 visitors this year.

Who should Exhibit?

  • Manufacturers
  • Distributors
  • Traders
  • Quality Assurance & Management Providers
  • Packaging Suppliers
  • Technology Providers
  • Research & Certification Bodies
  • Associations & Institutes
  • Other Service Providers in Halal Industries

Call our sales team:

+6012-3859676 or +6013-2402991

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Exhibitor Brochure & Forms

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Stay tuned!